Rainbow Shine

I apologize for letting my blogging slip and not keeping as regular in my posts. Oddly, it is the fault of the rainbow which keeps bringing me good things like books to read, shows to see, great speakers like Sara Safari to coach, courses to take like Chris Anderson on Pubic Speaking, speeches and workshops to prepare and deliver. As if the rainbow wishes me to learn everything I can about making colorful connections so that I can share a stronger message with you. So, although I have not been writing regularly, I have been expanding my knowledge and skills continually and gaining unexpected rewards along the way.

Last weekend I did a combined webinar/live workshop about my Speak-the-Rainbow ideas for the TEDxIHEParis speakers. It was a first for me and a great honor to share my rainbow within the TED community. I adapted the workshop I gave to 100 Toastmasters last October by incorporating examples from well known TED talks by Jill Bolte Taylor , and Richard Turere, as well as one of the TEDxIHEParis speakers present at my workshop, Kary Bheemaiah. My Speak-the-Rainbow workshop was very well received, and I am now confident that my message can serve the TED community too. And, as I learn more, my speaking skills are changing.

This year one of my goals was to compete in the only Toastmasters contest where I have never won any awards: Evaluations. This is an area which challenges me because I always overperform my role and add too much humor and silliness where a more sedated approach is usually appreciated. Last Monday I placed 2nd in my club and the following Saturday came first at my area level contest. Two trophies in one week in a contest I have never shined in? My secret? Letting my rainbow evaluation skills overpower my natural tendency to make a fool of myself and hog the limelight. If I can do it, so can you.

Two Toastmasters Evaluation Contest Trophies
Two Toastmasters Evaluation Contest Trophies

This is my message for you: Use the rainbow to evaluate other speakers or performers. By looking for rainbow colors, you see and hear speeches differently. You hear people express red emotions and wonder if they will offer any green hope to balance the red feelings they trigger. Or when you see a speaker with orange energy, you naturally listen for the balance of blue vision and indigo depth. My Speak-the Rainbow theory is a great tool for balanced and thorough evaluations that I am only beginning to enjoy. And when I speak, I remember to balance my own colors enough to the control my inner orange showman so that I can deliver indigo content and all the other rainbow colors for my audience.

After winning the area contest, the Contest Chair asked me to give a rainbow evaluation of the same speech. I ran through the colors used by the speaker and the audience loved it. Some suggested I should have done my rainbow review in the contest as it was more enlightening than the evaluation I won the contest with! Sadly I don’t have a video to share with you of my rainbow review.

However, I have another chance for my rainbow to shine again at the Toastmasters Division A District 59 Conference Finals in one week. This is one of the many exciting things coming to me as I speak the rainbow. And, like me, exciting things will happen for you when you speak the rainbow too.

My rainbow will shine at this event
My rainbow will shine at this Toastmaster Divison Conference in Paris

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