When I started my blog in 2016, I had the idea that it would raise my visibility and lead to opportunities to do workshops abroad. So today, I am thrilled announce I will be speaking in Athens, Greece next Saturday at the Divani Caravel Hotel. Incredibly, I will have the pleasure of speaking in a conference room called Horizon which looks out at the city and the Acropolis from the 9th floor. What more do you need to be happy? I wish to celebrate the event of sharing my Creating Colorful Connections workshop at the European Toastmasters Joint District 59/95 Conference, aptly called Rebirth in Athens!, as I feel this is really part of my personal rebirth too. For the occasion, I have put a link to my workshop PDF for all those who attend and those who cannot. You can find it here:
Creating colourful connections handout May 2018
I will soon be posting more about the conference and naturally looking for more opportunities to share my ideas and rainbow. Until then, I hope you are speaking your rainbow and connecting colorfully wherever you are!