
Below you will find a video of my Creating Coloful Connections workshop given at the Toastmasters Joint District Conference in Athens, Greece in May 2018. And an interview from March 2020 made during the lockdown period in Paris.

Many thanks to Zsuzanna Corridori for her introduction in Athens. However, I would like to explain that Zsuzanna began her introduction by telling the story of how my coaching helped my brother-in-law progress through different levels of a Toastmasters International Speech competition. He won his club, area, and division contests on his way to the District 42 finals in April last year.

What you don’t see in the video is that after my workshop his club president from Calgary, Canada came to talk to me. She had no idea that I had coached him or even that I was his brother-in-law. In fact, we would never have known this connection unless I had given Zsuzanna that story the day before to use in my introduction. Proof again that the stories we tell connect in weird and wonderfully colorful ways!

If you like these videos, please visit my youtube channel: speak the rainbow